Nick Eaton at the PI has the story about the lawsuit against the ad agency hired by Microsoft to place Bing advertisements in the new NBC drama The Philanthropist. JWT and their parent group WPP are being sued by Denizen, who claim to have a patent on advertisers selling you things within the plot of a TV show. Sure thing, Denizen, even though that’s how everything on TV works now. (Just joking, don’t sue the site, I’m sure it’s very technical and patenty.)
What’s more alarming than a corporation thinking they hold claim to product placement as a plot point is who exactly is involved in this blatant shilling. Take a look at the clip above. Yep, that’s right, it’s actor Michael Kenneth Williams, best known as The Wire‘s Omar Little. Oh Omar, you should be ashamed. Acting as a modern-day Robin Hood stick-up artist and making a living stealing from low-life drug dealers is one thing, but whoring yourself out this way is inexcusable–even worse than meeting your untimely end in a bodega at the hands of a psychopathic child.