Intiman Wine Wednesday 9.9.09

I like wine. I do. While I’m not one of those people who suddenly starts hugging you and telling you you’re my best friend after two glasses of wine, I am one of those people who is more inclined to investigate an event if there is the promise of some good (read: not three-buck Chuck) wine.

You can imagine my glee when I discovered that Intiman Theatre hosts a Wine Wednesday event with every production. A play and some vino? Wine not?! The current play Joan Didion’s adaptation of her best-selling book The Year of Magical Thinking.

The pre-show wine tasting starts at 6:30 p.m., and is presented by Maryhill Winery, 2009 Washington Winery of the Year. The wines: Gewts, Sangiovese, Reserve Cab Franc, Reserve Malbec. Not only that, they’re serving light hors d’oeuvres from Center House Bistro in the courtyard. 

The way it works: Buy a ticket for the show (or call 206-269-1900) and tell them you want to add Wine Wednesday to it. That’ll add $15 to your bill, and a tasty buzz to your evening.