The SunBreak Readers & Advertisers Guide

As the sign says, we’re a Seattle news and culture blog. You can subscribe to our home page RSS, or if you want all the sports Seth is capable of (that’s a lot, we kid you not), click the sports tab and subscribe to that page. And so on, with each tab. Not everything ends up on the home page. We’re coy like that. You can (and probably should) also follow us on our amusing Twitter feed: @thesunbreak. We’ve also got a fan page on Facebook. Thanks for reading!

Advertisers, you won’t even believe how cool our self-service ad platform is. Sometimes I just stare at it. Update your artwork on the fly? Yes, you can! Our ad rates range from $8 CPM for a text ad, to $18 CPM for a mid-page rectangle, to $30 CPM for a top banner or RSS feed banner. We’re worth every penny, know why? We’re about real, repeat Seattle readership, not fly-by search engine traffic. Non-profits, talk to us. We understand. And, by the way, if you want to sponsor a section or a contest, we can do that, too. Email us ideas: advertise (at)

2 thoughts on “The SunBreak Readers & Advertisers Guide

  1. Great to see this up and running.

    Commenting is easy (too much so? – no accounts??)

    I’ll look forward to progress over the coming weeks.

  2. Thanks, bilco! We’ll probably make it more difficult for you shortly. It’s what we do best. ;)

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