There just ain’t enough hyperlocal room in this town for unsourced copy ‘n’ paste reporting. After warning KOMO of a similar uncredited incident back in August, CHS editor Justin Carder was dismayed yesterday to see that, 10 minutes after a KOMO employee visited his post about a Capitol Hill design charette and downloaded a pdf, a post went up on KOMO Capitol Hill about…the Capitol Hill design charette. Carder looked in vain for a link to CHS. (We don’t think KOMO’s site editor is an old hand at the internet–so far links are few and far between on her stories.) Anyway, not murder in broad daylight, but hardly the impression that KOMO can be hoping for. Nobody has asked me, but for heaven’s sake, launching 43 neighborhood blogs simultaneously seems to be asking for issues with oversight.
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Ruh roh!