Zhivago’s Café Brings Borscht to Broadway

by Michael van Baker on December 23, 2009

Near the end of October (thank you, CHS), Zhivago’s Café (Facebook) opened on Broadway, where the old Dilettante’s used to be. It’s a piroshkis-and-more shop (including Wi-Fi), founded by Geno Sabra, who is half Russian and half Middle Eastern. I have walked past it for weeks until today, when I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a piroshki.

I ordered the lunch special (piroshki + borscht + bread roll = $7.95), and had a seat. The server had my food ready before I sat down. As The Stranger promised, the borscht was remarkable, served warm with a dollop of sour cream. The piroshkis are baked on the premises daily (Time to make the piroshkis! is 4 a.m.), and there’s a variety of carnivore and vegetarian options ($4-$6), as well dessert pastries and Russian tea cakes.

I had the beef, potato, and cheese piroshki, which was perfectly acceptable, if outshined by the borscht in terms of yumminess. But don’t take this as a review, anyway–I’ve only stopped in the once. Take it as encouragement to pop in the next time you’re in the mood for a piroshki and see for yourself.

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