Mayor McGinn Reopens Bid Process on Seawall Design

Mike McGinn

Claiming that he wishes to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest, Mayor Mike McGinn has rejected four existing bids for the seawall design, and reopened the city’s request for qualifications (RFQ) process. An email from the Mayor’s office says:

Christopher Bushnell, an advisor to McGinn, disclosed that his wife Megan Bushnell is a marine biologist for a consulting firm that was part of a larger group seeking work last fall on the seawall project. Bushnell’s wife was not part of the team seeking the contract and would not perform work on the seawall.

The new RFQ will emphasize “speed and public involvement,” the announcement says. So, rather handily, two birds with one stone. I’m not sure the first bird was entirely visible, but if the Mayor says he saw it, then I’m sure it was there.