Ruby, the U-District Rice Bowl Haven

by Michael van Baker on February 8, 2010

Over the weekend I stopped in at the Varsity for District 13: Ultimatum, which gave me the chance to eat at Ruby’s, closed for renovation the last time I visited the Ave. Just across the street from the Post Office, Ruby’s used to look like a dorm basement that had fallen on bad times, but after being turned on to the rice bowls, I learned to ignore the sketchiness (which makes me just like 78 percent of visitors, I guess).

A few months after renovation, I almost didn’t dare walk in. Why would such an upscale-seeming spot be serving my delicious rice bowls? A full bar gleamed. The lights were low. I was seated (another first!) and ordered a Manny’s while I perused the menu. The tables, happily, were still mismatched.

There was a red coconut curry rice bowl (with pineapple) that caught my eye at first, but eventually I settled on the yellow curry dahl. “We’re out of spinach,” the bartender/waiter told me. I fixed him with the van Baker stink-eye. “I guess we could use some of the fresh spinach for the salads,” he said, displaying a sterling brand of adaptability. Ah, problem solved. In a few minutes, a bowl as big as my head, piled high with curried rice, potatoes, and spinach was plunked down. You can choose your carne (or tofu) and the price varies accordingly. My chicken version came to $9. Lamb I seem to recall being $11? There’s also salmon, in between, price-wise.

Filed under Restaurant