A Film About Movies & the People Who Love (to Talk About) Them

Tonight only, at 8 p.m. at the Northwest Film Forum, For the Love of Movies is screening, with the director in attendance. If you can pry yourself away from the Olympics for 81 minutes, it sounds like a wonderful evening. Or so SFGate tells me.

Critic Gerald Peary has documented the history of film criticism in America as it heads–like just about every other field of criticism–into an online form whose future is still obscure. The film includes commentary from reviews such as Roger Ebert, Kenneth Turan, Lisa Schwarzbaum, and A.O. Scott, along with some “young, articulate, internet voices.” 

On the history front, the high moments are likely to do with 1960s and ’70s–that high-water mark of American cinema was accompanied by critics (Pauline Kael, Andrew Sarris) whose work is still read for its own literary merits.