Five Dollar Cover, Big Screen Style

$5 Cover, courtesy SIFF

About a month ago, we greeted the trailer for $5 Cover, Lynn Shelton’s MTV web series featuring Seattle musicians playing versions of themselves, with anticipation and a little bit of confusion (we even had trouble determining that it wasn’t bound for real television airwaves).

If you have a terrible internet connection or just prefer your screening to have red carpets and celebrity appearances, then you’ll be pleased to hear that SIFF will be showing the series for one night only on the very first evening of March.

For a $12 cover, SIFF members can join Lynn Shelton, members of Maldives, Champagne Champagne, the Lights, Moondoggies, and Sean Nelson, as well as other cast, crew, and special guests to be the among the first to see the entire series. (Tix are $15 for non-SIFF members.)

Shot in twelve installments in Seattle’s bars and clubs, the long-form rock musical captures the city’s eclectic music scene through the approximately true, but stylized stories of thirteen local bands. The whole project looks intriguing, and seeing it nicely projected and all at once should increase the potential for seeing your favorite locations on film and your friends and neighbors in the background. 

Tickets are on sale now, and, given the number of locals involved, will probably go quickly.

  • $5 Cover, cast & crew premiere. SIFF Cinema, 1 March 2010. ($12-15 advance)