This Yogurt is Freaking Delicious!

A brief timeout from the important business of war and teh Twitter and high school sports for this bulletin: This Grace Harbor Farms Golden Guernsey yogurt, which they just started selling at Ballard Market and I’m going to assume the other Town & Country markets, is freaking delicious.

Because it’s non-homogenized, the cream rises to the top of the yogurt. “You can scoop the cream off and use it like butter, or stir it in,” says the package. YES PLEASE!

Though it’s made locally and all with respect for the earth and stuff, it’s not even that much more expensive than the other yogurts. Score!

Grace Harbor Farms is in Custer, north of Bellingham, and is owned by a couple that’s super into Jesus. That’s cool with me, they can worship Andy Dick for all I care, just keep making this amazing yogurt. I’ve mixed it with granola the past two mornings for breakfast, and YUMMMMM!

According the farm’s website, their yogurt is also available at Met Markets and at Whole Foods. Get thee to your upper-middle-class grocery, and buy this yogurt. YUMMMM!

2 thoughts on “This Yogurt is Freaking Delicious!

  1. They’ve had this wonderful yogurt at Madison Market for a while now, and I couldn’t agree more. yum.

  2. Whenever somebody gets excited about yogurt I instantly revert back to the Seinfeld episdoe about the “fat free” yogurt. Either way, this sounds good.

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