Five Moments From Twyla Tharp’s "Waterbaby Bagatelles" at PNB (Photo)

Pacific Northwest Ballet principal dancers Karel Cruz and Carla Körbes in Twyla Tharp’s Waterbaby Bagatelles, presented as part of ALL THARP, Nov. 5-14, 2010. Photo © Angela Sterling

“Cruz lifts Körbes, and then she pivots on his hands, as if about to launch herself forward into the water, and you desperately wish you could rewind that again and again,” is what I wrote in my review of PNB’s “All Tharp” over the weekend. So PNB’s Gary Tucker did the next best thing, and sent five photos of the moment along. Click on the photo to be able to choose a larger version, but either way take a moment to let the inventiveness of Tharp’s choreography embed itself in your brain. I don’t know that there are any studies proving you’ll be more creative as a result, but it can’t hurt.