Since moving to New York in April, I’ve been handling the daily Glimpses posts here at TSB, which means that for eight months now I’ve been digging through the recesses of our award-nominated Flickr pool, looking for the engaging, provocative, sexy, and–in my case, now that I’ve moved so far away–nostalgia-inducing photos of and around Seattle. And as we move toward the end of the year, I decided to use the month of December to switch things up and showcase not just a daily photo, but a particular photographer whose work I’ve noticed, enjoyed, and or relied on more than others over the year, and have these chosen few provide me their own lists of their favorite photos.
First up, today we have Tony Case, a.k.a., Great Beyond. Tony’s one of several photographers from our Flickr pool who’s taken part in a “year in photos” project to put up at least one original photo a day, and he’s stuck with it. His photos always jump out at me for a few reasons: one, he has a real knack for capturing minutiae (not so much in evidence here, but check out his photos and you’ll see what I mean), and two, he’s particularly good at provocative architectural shots.