Kelsey Grammer: From Frasier to Sugar Daddy

Fourth time’s the charm?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but that doesn’t mean a holiday respite from soul-crushing, shut-it-down PR releases. Here’s a doozy that showed up in Ye Olde SunBreak Inbox this morning. And a merry Christmas to you too.

With his impressive relationship history, the recent news of the dissolution of his third marriage and the swift announcement of his engagement to 29-year old Kayte Walsh, Kelsey Grammer proves that he knows exactly what it takes to win the heart of a younger woman, and is seeking out his prowess.

Coming out of Beta and officially launching this month, is a new Internet dating site that connects financially-established men with women interested in the “sugar” lifestyle. Sugar Sugar aims to facilitate mutually rewarding relationships between “Sugar Daddy” and “Sugar Baby” members.

To launch, is offering Kelsey Grammer $1 million to endorse the online dating service as the official “Sugar Daddy Spokesman.” With this deal, Grammer is also invited to share his expert “sugar dating” expertise in monthly “Mentor” posts on the site’s blog (, which would feature a Q&A session with Sugar Sugar members.  In addition to the monetary compensation, will also provide Mr. Grammer with a lifetime membership.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Below is the press release announcement for

Sugar Sugar Launches to Create New Value in Online Dating

Merging Beautiful Sugar Babies with Generous Sugar Daddies

New York, NY (December 2010) – Introducing Sugar Sugar (, a new Internet dating site that connects financially-established men with women interested in the “sugar” lifestyle. Sugar Sugar aims to facilitate mutually rewarding relationships between “Sugar Daddy” and “Sugar Baby” members, and with over 40 million Americans accessing online dating websites every month, Sugar Sugar offers qualified members something sweeter.

A premium sugar daddy dating website, Sugar Sugar enables members to browse an extensive collection of online profiles to find their perfect match, while also offering expert mentoring from active “Sugar Babies” providing advice to both partners, including tips on gift giving, gift receiving, flirting, discretion, and much more. Sugar Sugar also offers users a “Sugar Daddy Concierge,” a premium service for busy men, where experts take the hassle out of finding a “Sugar Baby” by searching and interviewing ladies according to a member’s exact specifications.

“At, our members have the unique opportunity to discover mutually rewarding relationships that would be nearly impossible to find elsewhere,” says Paul Madison, CEO and Sugar Daddy. “Whether an accomplished professional looking for the excitement of a young, vibrant partner, or an individual searching for security and a taste of the finer things in life, Sugar Sugar will provide your match.”

Founded by a self-proclaimed “Sugar Baby” and entrepreneur, helps members find long or short-term arrangements with financially-established partners and women interested in the “sugar” lifestyle. Currently, hosts an average of 100,000 active users each month. Members and visitors alike can also follow the Sugar Baby Blog to discover first-hand testimonials, success stories, hints and advice from experienced “Sugar” daters.

About Sugar Sugar is a premium dating website for “Sugar Daddies” and “Sugar Babies” looking to meet via an extensive collection of online dating personals. Members can browse profiles and find someone to join in a mutually rewarding relationship, as well as browse success stories, horror stories, and bragging rights.  Through a “Sugar Daddy Concierge” and “Sugar Babies” that have found success on, members will receive tips on flirting, gift giving, and much more. also hosts a sugar baby blog, which is updated regularly with new stories and advice for anyone interested in getting involved in the “SD” dating lifestyle.

8 thoughts on “Kelsey Grammer: From Frasier to Sugar Daddy

  1. Since I wouldn’t wish Kelsey Grammer on anyone, it’s significant that I wouldn’t wish this on Kelsey Grammer.

  2. I dont understand the problem here. More power to the Sugar Daddies who have the ability to enjoy their life and more power to the gold diggers who have a mission and dedication to stick to their plans. “Hey baby I hear the blues a callin’ / Tossed salads and scrambled eggs…” – Kelsey Grammer after this woman also leaves him with more of his money but at least he got to have some fun in the interim. “That is the story of Christmas.” – Baby Jesus

  3. He’s a conservative SOB – despite playing “La Cage”.

    “At the heart of my beliefs about being a Republican is the idea that the individual is America’s greatest national treasure.”

    Yeah, that’s our national treasure.

  4. Steve is especially sympathetic to Kelsey because of they share that history of career-derailment cuz of drugs.

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