Read a Good Book the Week of December 20, 2010

by Constance Lambson on December 20, 2010

Because nothing else is happening. Not a single reading, signing, or lecture is scheduled, so you might as well read something. Might I suggest The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe? Or better yet, crack open A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain to get a head start for January, specifically the Bushwick Book Club’s next event.

Last night, SunBreak editor-at-large Josh Bis and I (separately) attended Seattle’s Bushwick Book Club at the Can-Can. Ten or so local musicians performed music inspired by C.S. Lewis’s classic children’s book and it did not kill me. I was pleasantly surprised, actually, despite missing the first half-hour (Not my fault! My invite had the time listed as 9 p.m.).

The music was good, if somewhat predictable: Edmund and the Turkish Delight are central to the story, and dominated the performances. (Josh was deeply disappointed that “no real Turkish Delight [was available] on the premises,” but I suffer from Applet & Cotlet-induced PTSD, and thus was happy to be spared that particular horror.)

The next Book Club will be held on January 16th at 8 p.m. The performers will have to come up with music for Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. It should be a good time.

Over in the other Washington, Greg Clugston of Salem Radio Network News produced the annual White House Basement Christmas poem, proving that while the New York Times and NBC/ABC/CBS might get better space (upstairs), the White House press corps basement dwellers probably have more fun. Read it and weep:

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
2010 White House Press Basement Version
by Greg Clugston

‘Twas the night before Christmas and in the White House,

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The girls dreamed of sugar, so sweet and so grand,

And other nice treats that the First Lady banned.

The president was asleep – all snug in his bed,

Even though mid-terms still filled him with dread.

Biden called health care a “big [freakin’] deal,”

But voters revolted and let out a squeal.

They rejected the Dems and the president’s pitch:

“Sipping Slurpees” and “driving into the ditch.”

And then there was Gibbs, with his media heft,

Ticking off members of the “professional left.”

All of a sudden there arose such a clatter,

Obama sprang up to see what was the matter.

Out on the lawn stood someone he could not neglect;

It was Ohio’s John Boehner – the new Speaker-elect.

With a change in the House, things won’t be the same –

And he turned to his colleagues and called them by name:

“Now Cantor! Now Pence! Now McCarthy and Bachmann!

On, Issa! On, King! On, Ryan and Barton!

“To the top of committees, we’ll govern with flair!

We must lower taxes and repeal health care!”

Then, in a flash, a jolly man did appear;

His arrival had the glamour of a movie premiere.

His eyes – how they twinkled!  His dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!

He was chubby and plump, and seemed rarin’ to go.
The hair on his head was as white as the snow.

This man was invited – Bill Clinton was he!

His help to Obama made “must-see” TV.

With tax cuts on the line, POTUS was put to the test,

So he reached out to Bill, who’s simply the best.

Biting his lip and stroking his chin,

Clinton explained how Obama could win.

With Bubba in charge – the press under his spell –

POTUS was free to party with Michelle.

And I heard Bill exclaim, as he sent Obama packing:

“Merry Christmas to all!  Let’s stop the shellacking!”

Filed under Literature
  • josh

    The day after the show, I was happy to find that the store at the Pike Place market called Turkish Delight sells fresh turkish delight in various family- and Lion-betrayalworthy flavors.

  • Constance Lambson

    That’s awesome!