TSB’s Crowdsourced Valentine’s Day Playlist

by Jeremy M. Barker on February 14, 2011

(The following conversation unfolded this morning on arts editor Jeremy M. Barker’s Facebook. Feel free to add your own thoughts on Valentine’s Day sexy songs, or email jeremy (at) sunbreakmagazine.com to have your choices included.)

JMB [Arts writer.]: Happy Vday, y’all!

KP [Environmental policy analyst.]: Oh, MBV! Superawesome show! You and your clear Valentine’s joy…

JMB: Sexy post-coital slow jam from MBV, come on!

KP: You and your post-coital cigarettes… Some things never change.


HAH! That came off lewder than expected! I meant in the sense of your mentioning and writing using them!

JMB: Okay, if no one likes my My Bloody Valentine Vday sexy, how about a classic?

KP: By-proxy V-Day video competition!!

JMB: Or, for those who find the entire exercise mystifying/terrifying/incomprehensible, let Bjork explain it to you.

MRN [Dancer/choreographer.]: [Submitted without comment.]

JMB: Heh. The Decemberists may be many things, but I don’t they’ll ever be sexy….

LP [Feminist critic.]: That song and that video, oh, they changed my teenage life. Back in the days when I stayed up late to watch 120 Minutes and Alternative Nation.

JMB: Yup. Now this is sexy.

KP: Raise, see, and call.

JMB: That’s not really a ROMANTIC song though…

KP: Well no one said ROMANTIC per se.

(JMB and KP share the same following vid simultaneously.)

JMB: (Posting) “Should be clear I’m a cold, hard killer/
Who’s sophisticated with touch of high-class/
A heart-breaker bringing death by sexy/…
A lady-killing mama in a rock n’ roll band”

KP: (Posting) You know these boys are as ass-shakingly sexxy as they come!

KP: The most important thing I learned in grad school: