PNB’s ‘Contemporary 4’ are Morris, Goecke, Gibson & Ratmansky (Preview)

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Here is the lineup for PNB’s Contemporary 4 program, which opens tonight, March 18, and runs through March 27:

Pacific (Lou Harrison/Mark Morris)

Place a Chill (Camille Saint-Saëns/Marco Goecke)

The Piano Dance (Cage, Chopin, Ginastera, Bartok, Ligeti/Paul Gibson)

Concerto DSCH (Dmitri Shostakovich/Alexei Ratmansky)

You can check on the casting for your night here. And here are Peter Boal’s Director’s Notes. Boal is one of the most affable, self-effacing company directors I’ve run into, but take note of the passion you can feel in this argument:

Recently, I watched Marco Goecke craft phrases for Ezra Thomson, and it occurred to me that this moment of creation is perhaps the apex of our profession. It is also the constant, highlighting a connective chain of creation linking Ezra and Marco’s work on Place a Chill to 1841, when ballerina Carlotta Grisi first entered a studio with choreographer Jules Perrot to begin work on a ballet called Giselle. We continue to create new work. We must. It is how our profession grows, advances, and thrives.

Chalnessa Eames & Josh Spell in Paul Gibson's "The Piano Dance" (Photo © Angela Sterling)