Food Find: Estancia Lucia’s Pumpkin in Syrup

by Jay Friedman on April 5, 2011

Sometimes, the simplest foods are the best.

Such is the case with Estancia Lucia’s “Pumpkin in Syrup.” The label lists the three ingredients: pumpkin, sugar, and water. What’s surprising is the texture. You might expect softness, as in canned peaches, but the pumpkins are a little bit crisp—though mostly on the outside, and not completely through. In Japanese, you’d call in “shira shira,” but a proper English translation eludes me.

What doesn’t elude me is the delight of this delicacy. The pumpkin pieces are good straight out of the or as an accompaniment to cheese, though I think wrapped in prosciutto would be the best savory snack. But I especially enjoyed them on top of vanilla ice cream. The combination wasn’t nearly as sweet as I anticipated—just sweet enough to be a special treat.

Pumpkin in Syrup is one of several items from Argentina that local importers Magic Road are bringing to the area. Look for Estancia Lucia products like the pumpkin, along with olives and extra virgin olive oil, at DeLaurenti’s, Spanish Table, The Swinery, Central Market, Pasta & Co., and Mutual Fish. I’m looking forward to trying some of the chimichurri sauce during grilling season.

Filed under Eats, Food, FOOD_FEATURED
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