Intiman Subscribers Can Exchange Tickets, No Refunds

by on April 20, 2011

17 theatres (see list below) have stepped in to offer exchange options for Intiman subscribers, after the theatre announced that it would be cancelling the four remaining shows in its season while it attempted to regroup from a catastrophic financial implosion.

That’s the best deal Intiman’s subscribers are likely to get, as the theatre is offering no refunds. It’s either that or write the amount off as an involuntary donation. A previously mentioned option, to apply their subscription as credit to 2012, is now much more squishily detailed as an “invitation to participate and inform our programming and services in 2012 and beyond.”

As for where the subscription and donation money went, the Intiman board admits it “went to support the artists and staff required to continue with the 2010 and 2011 productions and pay past due payables. [...] Since November 2010, we reduced the debt load of the theatre by paying off over $1.7 million of our indebtedness.” Unfortunately, “paying down debt” is not what’s usually meant by “subscription ticket purchase,” so I can imagine the anger of subscribers.

Speaking of squishy phrasings, here is one from their FAQ:

Q: Is Intiman filing bankruptcy?

A: There is not a plan to file bankruptcy at this time.

There is more, but when you read that the board intends “to reexamine what has made this theatre vibrant the past 39 years and determine what it looks like to be Intiman in the future,” you throw up your hands. Or at least I have. I’ve rarely seen delusion like this–I’ve described it before as the mindset of an addict. All is bygones, the board just needs to focus on the future and the next hit of funds.

Here are the organizations with which Intiman subscribers can exchange tickets:

5th Avenue

ACT Theatre

Annex Theatre


Book-It Repertory Theatre

Seattle Men’s Chorus & Women’s Chorus

New Century Theatre Company

On the Boards

Pacific Northwest Ballet

Seattle Children’s Theatre

Seattle Public Theater

Seattle Repertory Theatre

Seattle Shakespeare Company

Seattle Theatre Group** **

Strawberry Theatre Workshop

Taproot Theatre Company

Details: Intiman patrons are welcome to contact the Ticket Office of any of the above organizations on the day of a performance to reserve seats on that same day. At the time of reservation, seats are guaranteed and locations will be determined based on availability. To pick up your tickets, patrons must arrive 30 minutes prior to the performance and present their Intiman tickets at the Ticket Office. This offer may vary for specific performances at select partner organizations. Intiman patrons are advised to check for additional information on individual websites for any amendments to this practice. This offer will be available through November, 2011.

**Seattle Theatre Group is able to offer free access to the Silent Movie Monday on April 25 and an exchange for the Merce Cunningham Legacy Tour on October 27 and 29 – both available at the Paramount Theatre box office only, not available via phone.

4 thoughts on “Intiman Subscribers Can Exchange Tickets, No Refunds

  1. I think it is awesome the way the other theatres stepped up! Impressive list.

  2. Actually, I think that it is SAD that other theatres are taking the hit for the mismanagement of Intiman. Let me get this straight: I pay Intiman hundreds of dollars for tickets to their shows. In return, they print tickets and send them to me. They keep my money and use it to pay all of their bills. Then, I take their tickets to another theatre – one that won’t see a DIME OF MY MONEY – and they give me one of their tickets (one that they SHOULD have sold to someone else, but now cannot because they are giving me a ticket for free.

    Intiman = Big Winner (they keep the money and have no expenses.
    Me = Winner (I paid my money and, although I’m not seeing the show I wanted, I’m seeing theatre).

    Every Other Theatre = BIG LOSER (they give me their product for free and Intiman keeps the money.



    So, Intiman, you are actually not only going bust – you are taking money from every other place in town.

    You have just taken “jerks” to a new level.

    • the other theaters will get a ton of good will and potential new subscribers (and donors) by doing this. they can think of it as a marketing plan that doesn’t require a ton of cash expense. And unless the show is a complete sell out, the Intiman subscriber is not taking a ticket away from someone else, they’re filling a seat that would have been empty. This is a smart move by the other groups.

    • Hopefully the subscribers who go to these other theaters will enjoy what they see and bring their future subscriber dollars back there instead of the Intiman. It is very nice of all these theaters to step up, and the above is the only reason I can think of for them to do it. Supporting our peers in the community in times of trouble (or success!) makes for the kind of arts community I want to be in, but this is ridiculous.


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