The More The Killing Goes, The Slower the Plot Gets

Another week, another episode of AMC’s The Killing, and we are now well within snoozefest territory. Oh yes, please give me further insight into Rosie Larsen’s younger brothers, as they are clearly the most interesting characters on the show. I cannot get enough of this gripping bedwetting drama!

Sunday’s episode was entitled “Super 8” (not to be confused with the upcoming JJ Abrams-Steven Spielberg summer blockbuster), and not much happened. Rosie’s teacher Bennet is a sketchball who married a former student, but even though he was writing “follow your dream” notes to Rosie and refinishing his floors with a chemical found on her body, that doesn’t mean he’s a killer. Although he wasn’t eliminated as a suspect outright, I’d guess he didn’t do it, considering we’ve got another eight hours of show to go.

Meanwhile, Rosie’s parents are still grieving hardcore, while also being snubbed by friends and clients. The mole in Richmond’s campaign was Nathan, a character I did not remember having ever seen before. TWIST. Richmond shoots an ad with Bennet in it, but not directed by the guy that Gwen was shtupping on the side. Holden is celibate (spoiler alert) and got an envelope of money from a random guy in a car, which he later delivered to a house with a woman and kids, who are no doubt his estranged family. Linden needs to stop buying non-refundable plane tickets to Sonoma, since she obviously ain’t going nowhere anytime soon. Jamie got drunk with Mayor Adams and tricked him into thinking he’s an honorable and upstanding re-election worker, yet another piece of evidence for why you should never trust a boy with a girl’s name.

Like I said, riveting stuff. At this point, I’m hoping for a grand conspiracy: Rosie ended up shooting some footage of something bad about the mayor’s waterfront project. And Gwen’s dad the Senator is somehow in cahoots with Mayor Adams, so she was dispatched to get rid of Rosie, and used Bennet’s relationship with Rosie to do so, and Kris and Jasper helped too. I don’t know, just spit-balling here.

“What happened to the Port Townsend move?” Rosie’s dad asks. Ummm, clearly those customers hired a moving company a little closer than Ballard, which is two hours and a ferry ride away. I gotcha good, Killing fact-checkers!

For the record, this Sunday’s episode is not available for streaming on AMC’s website, and the show’s first four episodes will be gone soon too. Last call.