Mike McCready Wants YOU (to Front His Karaoke Band)

Karaoke at the Croc

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who fearlessly sing on karaoke stages and those who swear they will only ever watch. Both kinds know that the watchers badly want to get up there and croon, but are huge sissies who can’t handle being stared at. (Like me.) But what if there was someone much more talented and a whole lot cooler beside you, whom everyone would stare at no matter how crappy—or awesome—your vocal stylings? Like amazing Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McCready?

Saturday afternoon, all of you previous non-karaoke-ers and blissfully confident amateur singers have a chance to unleash your pipes in just that situation. The Chris Friel Orchestra, featuring McCready, is crashing the Crocodile at noon for four hours or so of philanthropic, cover-killing fun.

Ten bucks gets you in to witness the performances; $25 gets you a chance to take the stage. Either way, your money goes to a great cause: the Northwest Chapter of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America’s Team Challenge program. (Who doesn’t want to help rid the world of painful, potentially embarrassing bowel troubles?)

Twelve lucky would-be singers will be chosen to join the Orchestra for one song each. You may wow the place if you do a great Eddie Vedder, but no one will care if you suck. Either way, it’s at least three minutes of fame beside some locally and globally famous musicians. (Chris Friel has drummed for Goodness, the Rockfords, Kim Virant, Robert Roth, and others. His bassist brother Rick is also in the fold. Don’t know who else might be involved, but McCready has a lot of musician friends.) All ages are welcome, so bring Grandma and the kids. They won’t want to miss your moment—or at least the guitar shredding.

If you can’t make the event, you can still contribute to the cause here.