Judge Throws the Book at Dex, Rules That Phone Book Opt-Out Registry Can Continue

by on May 9, 2011

Since Seattle’s phone book opt-out system debuted online last Thursday, nearly fourteen thousand households and businesses have signed up, resulting in an estimated reduction of 85,000 phone book deliveries. Of course, this is not something the phone book companies have been happy about, and several of the directory publishers teamed up to file a preliminary injunction in federal court that would’ve stopped the massive opt-outs in their tracks.

Sucks to be them then, as today a federal judge ruled against the yellow pages, allowing the opt-out registry to march on unabated. In denying the injunction, U.S. District Judge Robart ruled that the publishers Dex, SuperMedia, and the trade group Yellow Pages Association had not shown they were likely to ultimately succeed on the merits of the case. In other words, no, an opt-out registry does not infringe upon a phone book’s First Amendment right to free speech. Like duh.

So if you haven’t already, go on and register! Please note that your opt-out selection must be in effect thirty days before a company starts its Seattle distribution cycle. With that in mind, don’t delay: opt-outs for Dex yellow pages phone books must be made by May 16, 2011 in order to prevent delivery later this year.

2 thoughts on “Judge Throws the Book at Dex, Rules That Phone Book Opt-Out Registry Can Continue

  1. Hope the opt out of phonebooks option comes to Hermosa Beach CA and Pittsburgh PA soon! What a waste of paper!

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  2. @ Suzie Scott – you can opt out of any book in the US by going to http://www.yellowpagesoptout.com

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