Food Find: Jaipur Avenue Chai

Years ago, one of my first meals in Seattle was at Taste of India in the University District. I remember little about the food from that and subsequent meals, but what I do remember is drinking cup after cup of chai.

Fast forward to today, Fremont resident Jillu Zaveri has renewed my interest in massive chai drinking with her introduction of the Jaipur Avenue line of chai teas. Packaged in Mumbia and made only with partially skimmed dry milk, sugar, black tea extract, and ground spices, this easy-to-make chai (just add hot water to the powder, stirring and frothing) is surprisingly creamy and perhaps the best at-home chai I’ve tried.

There are five flavors available: original masala, vanilla, saffron, ginger, and cardamom. The vanilla is soft and smooth, while the original masala and cardamom burst with some spicy notes. As a ginger tea drinker, I like the zestiness of the ginger chai, while the saffron tastes almost buttery.

With summer in sight, I’m looking forward to trying iced chai, which substitutes milk and ice for some of the hot water in the original recipe.

As much as I like this chai, I’m trying to avoid a Taste of India-like addiction—though I do keep the list of retailers (online and locally) handy. So often, a cup of tea keeps me company while I’m working; Jaipur Avenue chai distracts me from my work, making me want to focus just on the drink. That’s a good thing.