Scenes from an Occupation: #occupywallstreet on Tuesday

by on October 7, 2011

With a few days in New York this week after visiting the boardwalk wonderland of Asbury Park, New Jersey, for All Tomorrow’s Parties I had a few hours to visit the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in Zuccotti Park. These photos were taken on Tuesday afternoon, a couple of days after hundreds of occupiers were ensnared in police nets on the Brooklyn Bridge, a couple hours before Jeff Mangum showed up for a surprise solo set in the park, and a day before they were joined by tens of thousands of union supporters in a massive march.

During my visit, they were mostly hanging out. A General Assembly meeting was in progress to discuss things like whether they should establish a code of conduct and whether such a code would include a provision discouraging open drinking of alcohol in the park. Michael Moore made the rounds, volunteers served a pretty delicious-looking cafeteria-style lunch, bloggers blogged, drum and guitar circles ensued, and other tourists stopped by for photo ops with the occupiers. As the Occupy Everywhere movement takes hold in Seattle’s Westlake Park, here’s a glimpse at the original (tentless) contingent on the East Coast for your own personal comparing and contrasting.

Filed under News, NEWS_FEATURED

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