Recent Mount Rainier Earthquakes No Cause for Alarm (We’re Doomed Edition)

Recent Mount Rainier earthquakes (Image: The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network)

There’s been a “swarm of earthquakes” around Mount Rainier reports KING 5. The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network has this comparison of quake frequency over time, so you can eyeball that and place your bets as to whether this means anything. Mount Rainier is the home of “hot fluids” that circulate and move stress around, so it’s not uncommon for there to be activity:

In an average month, 1-5 well-located, high-frequency earthquakes are recorded near the summit of Mt. Rainier. In addition, small swarms of 5-10 earthquakes over a 2-3-day time period sometimes occur.

That being the case, it’s either nothing or the mountain is stirring itself to bury us all. The Tacoma News Tribune quotes our favorite seismologist Steve Malone saying:

…data shows at least seven earthquakes in two weeks. He says there are frequently earthquakes around Rainier, averaging several each month, and that recent activity shouldn’t cause alarm.


3 thoughts on “Recent Mount Rainier Earthquakes No Cause for Alarm (We’re Doomed Edition)

  1. electro magnetic fluctuation

  2. Is this Bush and Cheney’s fault too? It Is Time To Occupy The Financial Distric In Ashford!

  3. Has anyone noticed since early spring and summer thr deformation from the 1960’s steam vent to now whatis happening to the nisgually glaciaer? I havw been watching the harmonic quakes at the sites on Mount Rainier. Not a very good sign in my book. It is gettting a little angry on the mountain. I THINK YOU ALL NEED A BETTER LOOK AT THIS VERY SOON.

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