After 7 Years, Governor Gregoire “Gets” Gay Marriage

Governor Gregoire

“It’s time, it’s the right thing to do, and I will introduce a bill to do it,” lame duck Washington state Governor Gregoire said yesterday, announcing her intention to bring legislation permitting same-sex marriages in our state. “I say that as a wife, a mother, a student of the law, and above all as a Washingtonian with a lifelong commitment to equality and freedom. Some say domestic partnerships are the same as marriage. That’s a version of the discriminatory ‘separate but equal’ argument.”

If the bill passes the Legislature, Washington would be seventh in allowing gay marriage, after Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York, in addition to the District of Columbia.

Reactions were predictable. Publicola quotes State Representative Matt Shea (R-4, Spokane Valley), whom they call the “lead social conservative in Olympia’s GOP caucus,” saying: “I am surprised same-sex marriage is a primary focus of the Democrats when the Legislature still has a 1.5 billion dollar budget shortfall to address as we enter the short 60-day, 2012 legislative session.”

Quite right! Let’s take a look at Shea’s work in that regard, courtesy of Publicola’s bullshit-detecting skills:

For his part, Shea is sponsoring bills: requiring parental notification for abortion; undoing the federal mandate on health care; exempting firearms from federal regulations; restricting the use of unmarked law enforcement cars on private property; and sending a message to President Obama demanding that he honor the 10th Amendment (states’ rights).

Oh, the sweet, sweet irony.

Meanwhile, The SunBreak inbox filled up with Seattle-side support for the Governor’s bill. On this point, at least, Mayor McGinn and the City Council agree. “I look forward to the moment when Seattle can join cities like Boston, New York and Washington D.C. in celebrating marriage equality,” said McGinn.

The Council’s Tom Rasmussen said, “The City of Seattle is on record supporting marriage for same sex couples and we will work with the Governor for passage this year,” while Sally Clark added, “We have work before us in this legislative session and beyond, but Gov. Gregoire’s is a critical voice in recognizing that all people are created equal and should be treated as such by their government.”

“The Governor,” reports the Seattle Times, “rejected the notion that she’s free to back same-sex marriage now because she’s not running for re-election.” There is some evidence that, as she suggests, Washington has been warming to the idea. The Times also quotes state senator Ed Murray, joking about the relative strength of ideological convictions: “I can get Republican votes for marriage, but I can’t get a Republican vote for a tax increase. Suddenly, gay marriage becomes easier than raising taxes. I never thought I’d say that.”

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