From the Editor: Gone Whale-Watching

by on January 24, 2012

(Photo: MvB)

(Photo: MvB)


(Photo: MvB)

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20120124-170637.jpg thumbnail

Regular readers of The SunBreak might like to know where MvB is, since I’ve been quiet this week. I’m in Sayulita, Mexico, learning firsthand that 86 degrees and 92 percent humidity is the precise combination for setting off my usually latent asthma. However, in Mexico you can just walk into a pharmacy and purchase albuterol–and a lot more besides, wait for my full report–without any pesky doctor’s chicken scratch. Having just finished Moby Dick for the first time ever, and I include all of you in that, I was inspired to go whale-watching today, as the waters here are filled with whales and calves who don’t mind the humidity. Above, photographic evidence of the trip.

Filed under News, Travel

2 thoughts on “From the Editor: Gone Whale-Watching

  1. A man has got to know his limitations, and mine include balancing on boards in the water. But it’s been a lot of fun to watch people surf. The waves here can be pretty good-sized.

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