Top 5 SIFF Picks for Closing Weekend

TSB at SIFF 2012 All good things must come to an end, and so too must SIFF 2012. If you haven’t gotten to any films thus far, now is a good time to panic, as you have only two-and-a-half days left and the pickings are growing slimmer. Before you go, visit the SIFF updates page to see which films are already sold out or are selling fast. Individual tickets for most films cost $11 for the public and $9 for SIFF members. Matinées are a bit cheaper ($8/$7).

Now, let’s take a look at what’s on the last-weekend docket, with a focus on Seattle:

  • Grassroots  This ne-plus-ultra-Seattle film features both the Monorail and the story of Grant Cogswell’s run for City Council, and is directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal. It’s based on the page-turner from Phil Campbell. It is your moral duty to go see it and love it. (Tickets almost gone! June 10 6 p.m. @ SIFF Uptown)
  • The Details  “This Seattle-set comedy is so ferociously jet-black in hue for its last half that it traverses film noir turf,” says Tony in his thumbnail review. Since Tony loves noir, he gives it 3.5 out of 5. And how can you resist Tobey Maguire v. a raccoon? (June 8 6:30 p.m. @ the Egyptian is standby; try June 9 8:30 p.m. @ Kirkland Performance Center)
  • The Source  If you’re familiar with Seattle’s Love family-commune, you might be interested in this doc about the Source family in ’72 Los Angeles. “Astrology, occultism, EST, nudism, Kundalini, the Essenes, Atlantis, free love, tantrism, raw foods vegetarianism, freemasonry, cold showers, the Qabbala, holy robes, staring at the sun – the Source Family had their fingers in a lot of pies,” says Dusted. (June 8:30 p.m. & June 10 11:30 a.m. @ the Harvard Exit)
  • Wuthering Heights  You’d think this was going to be awesome–“stunningly evocative,” says Total Film–but Tony warns you that this Heathcliff-as-a-black-youth updating quickly gets “numbingly heavy-handed.” Flip a coin? (June 8 6:30 p.m. & June 9 2:30 p.m. @ the Harvard Exit)
  • Sin Bin “[M]ore engaging than laugh out loud funny,” is what Tony had to say about this high-school comedy revolving around the eponymous van that is a favorite trysting spot. Complications ensue!   (Tickets short for June 8 9:30 p.m. @ the Harvard Exit, try June 10 1:30 p.m. Pacific Place)

Honorable mention: Five Star Existence  This Finnish doc about the stresses and strains of our tech-based information society is laudably balanced in its assessment of what technology has done for us lately. But I don’t recommend it for its soundbite insights, but for its cinematography, which is outstanding, especially in the documentary field. (June 10 1 p.m. @ Kirkland Performance Center)