Bumbershoot Visual Arts: Neon, Glass, and 50 Years [Photo Gallery]

If Stefan D-W’s review left you eager for more Bumbershoot art, luckily Pete’s got images from the visual arts’ new home in Fisher Pavilion.


The only way to get through three days at Bumbershoot is exemplified by this box of buttons.

This twelve-foot, neon behemoth greeted visitors to the visual arts buildings at Bumbershoot 2012. Dylan Neuwirth is the artist.

Glasswork made within solid glass.

A glass ink roller used to make prints was one of my favorite pieces of the "This Is Glass" exhibition.

Dangling cables play with movement and light.

A series of tiny homes sit on balsa wood supports against a black background, offering a stark contrast and unique perspective on traditional dwellings.

Even the floor provided great aesthetics.

An oil derrick-looking thing pumps nothing but the strobe action that illuminates it.

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