Cute Kids at Bumbershoot [Photo Gallery]

Probably my favorite class of Bumberdenizen is all those poor children unwillingly dragged into a teeming mass of Seattle Center Labor Day humanity. Not sure why parents would pay for this family experience, considering by the end of the day everybody’s going to be miserable. Still, there are moments of great cuteness along the way. Let’s take a look at the few, the proud, the listless kids of Bumbershoot.


Hang in there, baby! (Photo by Peter Majerle.)

Sometimes kids are just little adults. Look at this little guy pensively taking in Noah Gunderson's acoustic set on the Promenade stage. (Photo by Peter Majerle.)

Hey, get some headphones on that kiddo--it's loud in the Free Yr Radio tent! (Photo by Peter Majerle.)

That's how you do it, baby! A hat and headphones offer double protection from the Bumbershoot elements! (Photo by Peter Majerle.)

Chin up, buddy. You can go home soon enough. (Photo by Peter Majerle.)

But it's Bumbershoot, so let your freak flags fly, kids! (Photo by Peter Majerle.)

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