Veggie Grill Brings Vegan Power to Seattle


This looks to be a slam-dunk. Seattle was recently named the most vegetarian-friendly city in the country. Ever-growing South Lake Union looks like an urban campus full of over-aged, under-dressed, rich college students who dine out daily. Veggie Grill, a vegan restaurant chain headquartered in southern California, has just opened what looks like a colorful cafeteria right in the middle of that action in South Lake Union.

Be still my textured vegetable protein heart.

Veggie Grill is a casual restaurant cooking food made-to-order. The menu runs from soups to salads to sandwiches to sweets. Plant-based and free of animal fat, some items include Veggie Grill’s Chickin’ and Veggie-Steak, which are specially seasoned and marinated vegetable proteins made with soy, wheat and pea protein.

Right at the opening, I went to a special media preview and sampled some of the menu items. I can’t say that this carnivore would feel compelled to return (while the flavors were pretty good, there was little “wow factor,” and I missed the usual meatiness of some of the dishes), especially when the likes of Cafe Flora, Carmelita, Sutra, and Plum Bistro offer more interesting menus and use more local ingredients. But I can see Veggie Grill being a hit with many of the people who work and play in Lake South Union. And if that scene is too crazy for you (or if you don’t want to deal with paid parking), note that Veggie Grill brings more vegan power to Seattle this fall when it opens an outlet at University Village.

Check the slideshow above for photos of ten dishes I sampled.



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