New Pill Hill Potbelly Completes Madison Street’s Sandwich Corridor


Behold! The new Potbelly on First Hill! (Photo: Peter Majerle)

Balloons and sandwiches for everyone! (Photo: Peter Majerle)

An assortment of Washington area ephemera decorates the dining area. (Photo: Peter Majerle)

Post your lost cat on the First Hill Happenings board! (Photo: Peter Majerle)

Here's what will happen if you eat too many Potbelly sandwiches! X-rays add to the decor, because of all the hospitals nearby (Photo: Peter Majerle)

Let's take part in the Potbelly experience! First stand in line. (Photo: Peter Majerle)

Then hippies will make your sandwiches! (Photo: Peter Majerle)

Enhance. (Photo: Peter Majerle)

Hard at work. (Photo: Peter Majerle)

Ta da! (Photo: Peter Majerle)

Two thumbs up! (Photo: Peter Majerle)

Fits right in. (Photo: Peter Majerle)

Finally, Madison is complete. (Photo: Peter Majerle)

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It’s hard to walk around the First Hill stretch of Madison and not buy a sandwich–nearly every establishment on the strip has some sort of meat with bread. Added to the mix a couple weeks ago is a new Potbelly sandwich shop, the fifth to arrive in the Seattle area.

Located below the apartments in the Coppins Well building, the newest addition is well-positioned to serve the employees and visitors of Swedish, Virginia Mason, and the Polyclinic. If the line at Jimmy John’s is too long (or you just want your sandwich toasted), cross the street! Life is easy and the cheap sandwiches plentiful along Sandwich Corridor.

3 thoughts on “New Pill Hill Potbelly Completes Madison Street’s Sandwich Corridor

  1. Dude, it’s a Potbelly, what do you want? “The mass-produced, faux-artesinal bread perfectly complemented the bland lunchmeat, discount dry oregano, and government cheese. There are several types of sandwiches to choose from, in a very similar fashion to the Subway, Jimmy John’s, and other establishments in the nearby Sandwich Corridor. And a hot sammie is around $5, making it just as light on the billfold as it is on one’s belly.” Maybe when they report on the opening of another fast-food joint they’ll include a more detailed description of the foodstuffs for sale.

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