Macklemore Schools GQ Readers on Thrift Shop Dos & Don’ts

We don’t need to tell you to watch the video for “Thrift Shop” first, do we? Hurry, and you could be Listener 8.5 million.

Macklemore has been in the news for his indie album The Heist making #2 on Billboard (MTV reports!), but you know you’ve really made it when GQwants an interview on your sartorial inclinations.

“The Macklemore Bible of Thrift-Store Shopping” admits that “The guy knows his shit. Here, he schools us on the kind of consignment stores you should avoid, the most underrated place to start digging, and how much you can spend on a thrift item before you’re getting played.”


GQ: If I wanted to rock a fur what would I need to know?
Macklemore: Shedding is probably your number one concern if it’s real fur.

Read the whole filthy thing.

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