Seattle Times Photo Archive (with Hinterberger Close-Up) For Sale on eBay

Screenshot of John “Hint” Hinterberger print for sale on eBay

Are people looking at old photos of you on the internet? Depends. Did you used to work for the Seattle Times? An eBay seller named seattle_washington_archive has loads and loads of old prints from the Seattle Times for sale. Recently, a former Times staffer stumbled across their old staff photo, and wondered how this had happened.

We asked the Seattle Times, and their news business development manager, Evelyn Edens Ringman, explained that Rogers Photo Archive digitized the Times‘s print image archive over a year and a half ago, and got to keep the prints.

Apparently it is fine to sell the prints, so long as they are not used commercially. “They do not own the copyright, only the print in whatever condition it is in,” confirms Edens Ringman. (We are not experts on the secondary market for studio stills, so shop at your own risk.)

That being said, we advise you to get after it, because these gorgeous photos of John Hinterberger WILL NOT LAST! “Hint” was one of the faces of the Times in its prime, a columnist and food critic avant les foodies. Here, white turtleneck, superfans. 1975 motorbike shot. You’re welcome.

There’s also the Times press room from 1968, a 1987 Taco Time (Nancy Rytand, are you out there?), and WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? Let’s get back to the fishing coverage. Ah, those were simpler times.