Gigs4Good Decks the Halls of the Crocodile for Wintersong (Photo Gallery)

Kevin Long.
Naomi Wachira.
Naomi Wachira.
Tony Kevin Jr.
Ben Fisher.
Ben Fisher and Shelby Earl.
Tom Eddy.
Tea Cozies.
Tea Cozies.
Shelby Earl.
Shelby Earl.
Ivan and Alyosha.
Ivan and Alyosha.

Kevin Long. (photo by Tony Kay)

Naomi Wachira sneaks some elegant soulfulness into the Wintersong Egg Nog. (photo by Tony Kay)

Naomi Wachira. (photo by Tony Kay)

Tony Kevin Jr., back from a long winter's nap. (photo by Tony Kay)

Ben Fisher rocks his dad's holiday sweater. (photo by Tony Kay)

Ben Fisher and Shelby Earl cover the Pogues in perfect whiskey and honey harmony. (photo by Tony Kay)

Tom Eddy sings his non-holiday-themed (but still great) original song, "Sunday Market." (photo by Tony Kay)

Brady Harvey of Tea Cozies takes out Chuck Berry with some well-chosen chords. (photo by Tony Kay)

Tea Cozies' Jessi Reed sings a happy Waitresses tune. (photo by Tony Kay)

Shelby Earl in action. (photo by Tony Kay)

Shelby Earl: Thawing cold hearts since 2007. (photo by Tony Kay)

Ivan and Alyosha's Tim Wilson, wearer of one of Seattle's finest pompadours. (photo by Tony Kay)

Tim and Pete Wilson of Ivan and Alyosha belt out "Auld Lang Syne." (photo by Tony Kay)

Kevin Long. thumbnail
Naomi Wachira. thumbnail
Naomi Wachira. thumbnail
Tony Kevin Jr. thumbnail
Ben Fisher. thumbnail
Ben Fisher and Shelby Earl. thumbnail
Tom Eddy. thumbnail
Tea Cozies. thumbnail
Tea Cozies. thumbnail
Shelby Earl. thumbnail
Shelby Earl. thumbnail
Ivan and Alyosha. thumbnail
Ivan and Alyosha. thumbnail

‘Tis the season for holiday-themed live shows, and Wintersong, Gigs4Good’s final fundraising concert of the season, was a toasty-warm way for the organization to send off 2012. Proceeds for last night’s show benefited Team Up for Non-Profits, the local organization devoted to helping other non-profits put on their own fundraising shows.

A stellar line-up of mostly acoustic artists took to the winter-themed format with the festive warmth of a mug of Christmas cocoa. Covers were sung, sweaters were worn, funds were raised for a good cause, and the proverbial good time was had by all.

Wintersong proved to be a well-stuffed musical stocking, but in keeping with the coming holidays, a Christmas List of the show’s highlights only seemed right.

The Ten Best Things About Gigs4Good’s Wintersong Concert:

10) Kevin Long’s wonderfully forlorn cover of “Blue Christmas.”

9) Hearing folk troubadour Tony Kevin Jr. sing live again after a year-long hiatus.

8) Getting out of an eight-artist live show before midnight on a weeknight. 

7) Ivan and Alyosha perfecting their union of  Beatles-influenced songcraft, acoustic earthiness, and jumping energy with their set. 

6) Tom Eddy and band’s swinging rendition of one of Vince Guaraldi’s Charlie Brown Christmas tracks.

5) Ben Fisher’s and Shelby Earl’s wonderful whiskey-and-honey cover of that Pogues chestnut, “Fairytale of New York.”

4) Naomi Wachira’s plaintive and soulful vocalizing.

3) Shelby Earl using the Christmas/Christmas tree/conifer continuum as an excuse to deliver a goosebump-inducing rendition of her gorgeous Patsy-Cline-gone-Brill-Building original, “Under Evergreen.” 

2) Tea Cozies kicking the party into high gear with perfect-fitting covers of Chuck Berry’s “Run Rudolph Run” and the Waitresses’ “Christmas Wrapping“.  

1) Ben Fisher’s magnificent Christmas sweater, pilfered from his dad’s collection. Seriously.


Tony Kay

Music [twitter] [facebook] Tony Kay, the SunBreak's Music Editor, has been slugging it out in the journalistic front-line trenches of the Northwest music scene for over two decades in various websites and periodicals. In addition to covering music, arts, film, and whatever else strikes his fancy for the SunBreak, he also writes about film for City Arts magazine, covers live music for the Seattle Concerts Examiner, and periodically hosts Bizarro Movie Night at the Aster Coffee Lounge in Ballard. Tony was crowned Ultimate Film Fanatic of the Pacific Northwest on the Independent Film Channel game show The Ultimate Film Fanatic a few years ago, and he's got the wacky stories (and the rump-end of a trophy) to prove it.

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