4 Things to Know About Using Car2Go

car2go_Seattle_4Since Car2Go is new in town, customers are still learning how it all works. The basic idea is easy enough, especially if you’ve ever tried Zipcar. You unlock (and lock) your Car2Go with a membership card waved over a windshield-mounted reader, pop inside, and after punching in your PIN on a dash screen, you’re off. But here are a few things you might not think about until they happen.

Call Lost & Found: Left something behind? You’re in luck. There’s a Seattle home office who can hunt down the car you were using. Just call (877) 488-4224 — the number is printed on the back of your membership card — and they’ll get on the case.

2-Hour Parking is the Minimum: You can leave your Car2Go in legal on-street parking spaces, whether it’s a restricted residential zone or at a meter. But if you leave it at a meter, it has to be one that allows at least two hours of parking. No 30-minute zones, no parking spots that change into a lane during rush hours.

The Stop-Over Difference: If you’re not ending your trip, but are just running in and out to get something, then any legal on-street space will do, even if it’s a 30-minute zone. You can do a stop-over in a parking garage (you pay) or park outside the home zone (you pay).

Are You Low on Gas? There’s a gas card stuffed into the dashboard if you’re low on gas (below a 1/4 tank, and you get a 20-minute time credit for filling up). Once at a gas station, turn off the engine and you’ll see the PIN number for the fuel card on the dash screen. You’ll need that and the car’s mileage (the pump will ask).