It’s Cherry Blossom Time at the University of Washington (Photo Gallery)


UW Quad in cherry blossom season (Photo: MvB)

UW Quad in cherry blossom season (Photo: MvB)

UW Quad in cherry blossom season -- one for the allergy sufferers (Photo: MvB)

Cherry blossom season claims another victim at the UW Quad (Photo: MvB)

UW Quad in cherry blossom season (Photo: MvB)

UW Quad in cherry blossom season (Photo: MvB)

UW Quad in cherry blossom season (Photo: MvB)

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It’s official: UW campus arborist Sara Shores says the cherry trees will be in full bloom this Easter weekend, thanks to the recent spring-like warmth that’s descended up on Seattle. UW Probcast says mid-60s Saturday, and 69 on Sunday, with a ten percent chance of 73 or higher. Assuming the city is not lashed by an unexpected monsoon, you have about a week to catch the cherry trees at their finest.

The Yoshino cherry trees in the UW Quad are especially photogenic, but as we mentioned earlier, you have cherry blossom options:

If you visit campus, you may want to print out the Brockman Memorial Tree Tour map, which lists and locates some 67 of the estimated 480 kinds of trees planted around the university grounds, including the Kwanzan Cherry (Rainier Vista near Stevens Way), Yoshino Cherry (31 of which line the Quad), and Hisakura Cherry (near Red Square). If you can’t make it — here’s Pinterest to the rescue.

One thought on “It’s Cherry Blossom Time at the University of Washington (Photo Gallery)

  1. Check out photos from the cherry blossoms here:

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