20 Questions with Pickwick at CHBP 2013

Galen Disston
Galen Disston
Michael Parker
Garrett Parker
Galen Disston
Alex Westcoast

Galen Disston of Pickwick (Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

Galen Disston of Pickwick (Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

Michael Parker of Pickwick (Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

Garrett Parker of Pickwick (Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

Galen Disston of Pickwick (Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

Alex Westcoast of Pickwick (Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

Galen Disston thumbnail
Galen Disston thumbnail
Michael Parke thumbnail
Garrett Parker thumbnail
Galen Disston thumbnail
Alex Westcoast thumbnail

There are two things that I learned about Pickwick on Saturday just before their Main Stage Capitol Hill Block Party performance.

1) Don’t ask about bowel issues. It’s a sensitive subject.

2) Get them talking about sci-fi and they won’t stop.

Essentially, Pickwick is a group of semi-nerdy Star Wars fans who just so happen to be incredibly talented, Seattle-loved and -worshipped, musicians. I sat down with the band at Grim’s to play 20 questions and discuss ever-important topics like Wayne’s World, Britney or Christina, and the best karaoke song.

CAUTION: Don’t read if you want to learn more about their album Can’t Talk Medicine. Continue on if you like discussing brunch.

I interviewed  Radiation City yesterday and I know you guys have toured together, so I asked them for one question that I should ask you guys. They said to open with: “I shit you not.” 

Michael: It’s the working title of my memoir. The subtitle is “I Shit You Not: True Stories of an IBS Survivor.”

Me: Like Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Michael: Yep. All I’m going to say is it’s the title of my memoir.

Galen: He’s very strong.

Favorite frontman of all time?

Galen: Bob Marley. (Laughs)  Note: Bob Marley is playing in the background of Grim’s.

But really — Bob Dylan.

Wayne’s World or Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure?

Alex: That’s a really hard one. But Wayne’s World is the answer.

Blondes or brunettes, Kory?

Galen: Come on! Blondes, dummy! That’s what he likes!

Kory: I like in the middle…dark blonde, light brunette.     

Boxers or briefs?

Garrett: Boxers.

Favorite karaoke song?

Galen: Come on, dude, tell her about Spokane!

Michael: Oh geez. Okay, so I sang “Gangster’s Paradise.”

Galen: That was impressive! Very impressive.

First concert you ever attended?

Cassady: The Rolling Stones, Voodoo Lounge.

Galen: That was a good one for Cass! He has cool parents.

Best concert you ever attended?

Galen: All time? It was a residency that Richard Swift had at this place called Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa. I saw him play four or five times there and every show was amazing. But this year — I think the first show we played with Radiation City outside of Santa Cruz. They were great.

Favorite show you’ve ever played in Seattle, Alex?

Galen: Be honest, it doesn’t have to be with us.

(Everyone laughs)

Galen: He plays in a lot of bands.

Alex: I had a good time at the Tractor Tavern. It’s cozy and fun.

Pizza or Seattle dog?

Kory: Wait, what’s a Seattle dog?

Me: It’s a hot dog with cream cheese.

Kory: Is that the cream cheese and Siracha?

Me: I haven’t heard of the Siracha part.

Kory: Okay  — pizza then.

Whiskey or vodka?

Garrett: Whiskey.

Me: Which kind?

Garrett: Bulleit.

Favorite brunch spot?

Galen: You asked the perfect guy! He loves getting brunch!

Michael: Well… it totally depends on what my vibe is.

(Everyone laughs, again)

Michael: So if I’m wanting like a baked good…Macrina Bakery is really good. But if I’m wanting like eggs benedict, The Fat Hen is also good.

Garret: Have you been to Citizen in Lower Queen Anne? It’s really good.

Michael: No… but I also like that hippy shit in Fremont, Silence-Heart-Nest.

SPIN or Rolling Stone?

Cassady: Ummm… Neither? I used to read Magnet.

Michael: The New Yorker!

Cassady: I get a subscription from my mom….

Michael: His mom sent him this note in the mail with a check. The note was like, “You should get a subscription to The New Yorker, here’s some money.”

Nirvana or Sound Garden?

Galen: Nirvana.

Britney or Christina?

Alex: Britney. Yeaaaah!

Favorite breakfast cereal?

Kory: I love cereal. Oh, my god. That’s complicated, too. It depends on the mood. And sometimes I even mix my cereal. My current favorite is Bob’s Red Mill Steel Cut Oats mixed with some granola and fresh blueberries and some banana with a little bit of honey. And then just a dollop of yogurt.

Favorite city to play in besides Seattle?

Garret: Maybe San Francisco? Yeah, San Francisco.

Mudhoney just played on the Space Needle. If there were no limitations, where would like to play?

Galen: Say the Death Star, dude! Inside the Death Star!

(Everyone laughs)

Me: Where’s that?

Galen: It’s the fucking Star Wars empire!

Alex: Maybe the Moon of Indor?

Michael: HEY! I believe this my question!

(Laughing all around)

Michael: Uhh…yeah, okay, the Death Star.

Garrett: What about Tatooine? That would be pretty cool.

Kory: Can you imagine?

Galen: They wouldn’t give a shit about us in the Tatooine Cantina. We would get killed dude! They would kill us!

Michael: Okay, yeah, then, I’m actually gonna change it. The Tatooine Cantina.

Galen: I guess we’re looking for a fight.

What would you like to preserve, moving forward, as a band? What would you always like your music to communicate?

Alex: World peace. (Laughs)

Galen: I don’t know necessarily about the communication part, but one thing about our band currently that we really appreciate is writing new songs in our basement and then the feeling of bringing that to the stage and the audience. So I think we would like to preserve the way we work together in a familiar setting — where we write songs together and take that immediately to the stage.

Best CHBP Memory?

Alex: I stepped in some gum outside.

Kory: The only time I’ve ever seen Spoon. It was maybe six or seven years ago.

Me: Anyone else?

Galen: One thing — if you have figured it out yet — we’re very boring.

Michael: Unless you’re talking about Stars Wars, then we’re incredible!