Win a prize pack, including vinyl and tickets, from KAIROS and Fin Records


We have a contest! This is very exciting!

Our friends from Fin Records have offered to give a lucky reader of The SunBreak two tickets to see the big CD release party for KAIROS at the Crocodile on Monday, May 19, plus a copy of the KAIROS EP on vinyl, and a Fin Records t-shirt.

KAIROS is the solo project from Lena Simon, who is one of the most talented musicians in Seattle. She’s in the bands Pollens (probably my favorite Seattle band at the moment), Tomten, and La Luz, plus she was even on “The Tonight Show” in January, performing with Mary Lambert. I plan on writing more about Lena Simon and KAIROS in the coming weeks, but wanted to post this contest prior.

To enter, please just send an e-mail to before 9am on Thursday, May 15 with “KAIROSTIME” in the subject line. The show’s all ages, so anyone can feel free to enter. A lucky winner will be drawn at random sometime after Thursday morning and notified shortly after that. Tickets can be obtained here for $8, and other merch can be found on Fin Records’ website, should you not want to leave things up to chance.

Below is the new single “Dirt & Grit,” that was just released yesterday:
