40th Annual “Chilly Hilly” Bike Ride More Than Delivers on Promise

40th Annual “Chilly Hilly” Bike Ride More Than Delivers on Promise

There are few pleasures greater than whizzing down one of Bainbridge’s empty 2-lane roads, the glimmering blue waters of Port Madison or Port Orchard beckoning at the bottom of the hill, the smell of fir and spruce in the cool breeze that’s wicking away your sweat and rustling the number-tags you’ve pinned to your jacket. Yet this precious pleasure is only bought with the great pain of climbing each of the island’s hills, a couple of which are long and steep enough to qualify for Tour de France ratings. Continue reading 40th Annual “Chilly Hilly” Bike Ride More Than Delivers on Promise

Willie Weir on the Benefits of Extra-Cycling Perception

Willie Weir on the Benefits of Extra-Cycling Perception

Weir, who has cycled around every corner of God’s green earth, is a triple threat: a trained actor, skilled photographer, and talented writer who has now published two volumes of cycling memoirs. A slim man, not particularly tall, he had the crowd in stitches recounting, in his “Why I love the tastes of bicycling” section, his tale of gorging for five hours at a $5 all-you-can-eat buffet somewhere in Wisconsin, then hoisting his distended belly back into the saddle, and—a few hours later—inveigling his way into more free food at a big family-reunion picnic he came across in a park. Continue reading Willie Weir on the Benefits of Extra-Cycling Perception

Ship Canal Bike Trail Gets Grand Opening

Ship Canal Bike Trail Gets Grand Opening

It’s taken 24 long years, but the Burke-Gilman Trail finally has a little brother.

Saturday morning, November 19, Seattle Department of Transportation Director Peter Hahn cut the ribbon opening the final segment of the South Ship Canal Trail, connecting Fisherman’s Terminal/Salmon Bay Marina (on West Emerson Street) with the bike trail running along the south side of the ship canal. Continue reading Ship Canal Bike Trail Gets Grand Opening