Feast Portland, a Week Later: Reflecting on a Bounty of Food and Philosophy

Feast Portland, a Week Later: Reflecting on a Bounty of Food and Philosophy

It’s been a week since returning from the four-day festival/feeding frenzy known as Feast Portland, and I find myself reflecting on the easily lost words that followed the colon in the title: “A Celebration of Oregon Bounty.” The festival included an array of tastings, dinners, seminars, and speeches that were thought-provoking, inspirational, and thoroughly filling—in mind and stomach. Continue reading Feast Portland, a Week Later: Reflecting on a Bounty of Food and Philosophy

Good Food Attitude at VUDE

Good Food Attitude at VUDE

A “secret” dinner enables chefs to play and experiment. The Hegsteds construct menus with one ingredient (or technique) providing the transition from one course to the next. For example, charred corn with shaved pecorino and truffle was followed by shaved celery with peanut butter and carbonated raisins, which gave way to peanut butter-chocolate tart with raspberry and sourdough ice cream. Continue reading Good Food Attitude at VUDE