Seattle Plans Third Avenue Clean-Out Redux

Seattle Plans Third Avenue Clean-Out Redux

From South Dearborn to Denny Way, Seattle’s Third Avenue marks the spine of an area that could be papered over with the police reports used to track the crime within it. During the past year, it’s been the setting for more than 3,800 incidents, everything from shoplifting and narcotics use to car theft, robbery, and shootings. 33 times, someone threatened to kill someone else. Continue reading Seattle Plans Third Avenue Clean-Out Redux

Jay Inslee on Seattle’s Latest Mass Murder: *Crickets*

Jay Inslee on Seattle’s Latest Mass Murder: *Crickets*

This “spate” of gun violence–an inaccurate term for the variability in a chronic situation–has at least got Seattle’s city council reviewing what they can do to provide controls on handguns. Do you remember Kyle Huff (2006)? Do you remember Maurice Clemmons (2009)? How many episodic mass murders, do you think, will it take before people start connecting them as an ongoing problem? Continue reading Jay Inslee on Seattle’s Latest Mass Murder: *Crickets*