Blazing Billboards! King County Council Voting on Digital Displays

Blazing Billboards! King County Council Voting on Digital Displays

Today the King County Council is voting on whether to allow digital billboards in unincorporated areas, which would represent a huge boon to outdoor advertising giant Clear Channel. The measure, which was supposed to be voted on back in June, had to be sent back to committee when it was discovered that sufficient public notice wasn’t given.

Eric Scigliano, who has been following the digital billboard story closely, mentions in passing one reason for this private-spirited advocacy. Continue reading Blazing Billboards! King County Council Voting on Digital Displays

From the Publisher: The SunBreak’s Progress, Chapter 3

From the Publisher: The SunBreak’s Progress, Chapter 3

What’s new-ish? We just anointed Tony Kay as our new music editor. Audrey Hendrickson is now our managing arts editor. Philippa Kiraly writes for us occasionally about classical music. I always feel like I need to get out there and interview more people just for being themselves, but you know Seattle–people are shy. I believe we’re in the double digits in actual paying subscribers now. It’s always thrilling to get that email from PayPal. Continue reading From the Publisher: The SunBreak’s Progress, Chapter 3