<em>Hedda Gabler</em> Shows Her Slip at Intiman’s Summer Festival

Hedda Gabler Shows Her Slip at Intiman’s Summer Festival

Director Andrew Russell has assembled a script, evidently based on various public domain translations, that removes the overt statements that can make Ibsen feel dated. This text is heated by barely veiled innuendo and tantalizing ambiguity that most of the cast plays smartly with choices that feel in the moment and nearly improvised. Continue reading Hedda Gabler Shows Her Slip at Intiman’s Summer Festival

Andrew Russell and the Intiman in October

Andrew Russell and the Intiman in October

Still, nothing in the announcement of Russell as consulting artistic director cast new light on how Intiman planned to reinvent itself as a company that wouldn’t financially crash and burn in spectacularly public fashion. Last fall, Intiman’s managing director left abruptly, a substantial amount of debt was “discovered,” and a desperate fundraising drive’s “success” was followed by the news that Intiman would close its doors. Continue reading Andrew Russell and the Intiman in October