Looking for an iPhone 5S? Hope you like Space Gray.

Looking for an iPhone 5S? Hope you like Space Gray.

Apple launched an online indicator of iPhone availability in their retail stores. While the colorful 5C looks to be easy to find in a variety of colors and flavors, the metal-cased 5S remain, like their color coded nameskaes, a rarer commodity. Locally, the best bet for a 5S seems to be a space gray AT&T model, but inventory appears to be in a constant state of flux. Continue reading Looking for an iPhone 5S? Hope you like Space Gray.

Lessons From the Daisey Debacle, From Seattle Playwright Paul Mullin

Lessons From the Daisey Debacle, From Seattle Playwright Paul Mullin

It certainly was exciting to watch “David” Mike take on “Goliath” Apple from the stage of my local regional theatre; and certainly my local regional theatre enjoys, along with regional theatres across the country, the imprimatur of international relevance when such a story as Agony/Ecstasy gets told. However, we lose a huge opportunity when our big houses keep mounting the very same one-man show, instead of staging local news that actually has as much, if not more, to do with the lives of local audiences as does Applegate. Continue reading Lessons From the Daisey Debacle, From Seattle Playwright Paul Mullin

Apple’s iPad 3, Like iPhone 4S, Not a Compelling Upgrade, Says Seattle Man

Apple’s iPad 3, Like iPhone 4S, Not a Compelling Upgrade, Says Seattle Man

If you’re purchasing your first iPad, this is all to the good: the Retina display, the better resolution camera, the 4G speeds. But I have never taken a picture (other than trying it out) with my iPad 2, because my iPhone 4 is always with me and it’s much more conveniently sized. To save on data plans, I also opted for the WiFi-only version, again, relying on my iPhone 4 to fill in hotspot gaps. And while the Retina display is beautiful, it doesn’t improve the experience, say, of a choked Netflix stream delivering pixel-blocks–a far more common experience. Continue reading Apple’s iPad 3, Like iPhone 4S, Not a Compelling Upgrade, Says Seattle Man

Steve Jobs Wouldn’t Care for Your Nostalgia, Says Mike Daisey

Steve Jobs Wouldn’t Care for Your Nostalgia, Says Mike Daisey

Monologuist and Seattleite emeritus Mike Daisey gets an op-ed in the New York Times today to explain why, in essence, Steve Jobs’ death is no hindrance to the opening of his one-man-show, The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs, at the Public Theatre on October 11.

Calling Jobs an “enemy” of nostalgia, Daisey argues that casting a cold eye on Jobs’ legacy is exactly what Jobs would have done, were he around to take on the task. Continue reading Steve Jobs Wouldn’t Care for Your Nostalgia, Says Mike Daisey

Microsoft’s Mobile OS Took the Summer Off From Selling

Microsoft’s Mobile OS Took the Summer Off From Selling

Geekwire has the news that the Windows Phone 7 operating system’s share of the smart phone market declined one percent for the three months ending July. That’s while the smart phone market increased in size, up ten percent from the previous three months. Google’s Android system led the way with almost 42 percent, followed by Apple’s iOS with 27. RIM fell to 21.7 percent, while Microsoft dipped to 5.7. Continue reading Microsoft’s Mobile OS Took the Summer Off From Selling