Making Cash in Seattle’s “Junk” Trade, Pt. 2: Art and Books

Making Cash in Seattle’s “Junk” Trade, Pt. 2: Art and Books

In the first part of this four-part series on adventures and profit in Seattle’s junk trade, we prepared readers on how to approach estate, yard and garage sales. Now, we are going to give you some prime tips on what to buy, and how much to pay for it. First off, clues on what kind of art and books you can find and later resell for big gains. Continue reading Making Cash in Seattle’s “Junk” Trade, Pt. 2: Art and Books

What’s-That-Thingamajig? Comes to MOHAI this Saturday

What’s-That-Thingamajig? Comes to MOHAI this Saturday

All categories of collecting, from toys to vintage clothes, antiques to art, and ephemera to books are inundated with fakes and reproductions. At the same time, many truly valuable items are simply hiding in plain site. If you intend to sell some of your valuable items to raise some cash, or are curious about the history behind a cherished item, Seattle’s Museum of History and Industry can help. Continue reading What’s-That-Thingamajig? Comes to MOHAI this Saturday

Touring Kent’s World-Renowned Earthworks by Bike

Touring Kent’s World-Renowned Earthworks by Bike

You didn’t know that Kent boasted an earthwork by a major Bauhaus artist, did you? (Graphic designers will know Herbert Bayer as the creator of the Universal typeface.) The restoration effort meant improving “drainage in the bowls, repav[ing] the pathways and reshap[ing] the double-ring pond,” along with “re-sodding the double-ring pond, and restoring the view corridor along the stream.” Continue reading Touring Kent’s World-Renowned Earthworks by Bike

ACT’s <em>The Pitmen Painters</em> Joins Laughter with Meaty Intellectual Concerns

ACT’s The Pitmen Painters Joins Laughter with Meaty Intellectual Concerns

The Pitmen Painters is less about the art than it is about society: specifically, the rise of socialist England. The play includes the major players of both the artistic and societal dynamics of the time. These include an artist, an artist/academic, a patron, and five eponymous artist-miners, known as The Ashington Group. Continue reading ACT’s The Pitmen Painters Joins Laughter with Meaty Intellectual Concerns

How I Spent My Bumbershoot (Plus a Photo Gallery)

How I Spent My Bumbershoot (Plus a Photo Gallery)

All in all, I find myself wishing Bumbershoot had more to offer me this year, but maybe I’m just being selfish. While I agree that my music taste is quite a bit outside of the majority, I can still usually find a full day (at least one) of Bumbershoot to enjoy. This year I was lucky to find four artists on Sunday that I was stoked to see. But it isn’t all doom and gloom–I did get a chance to check out a few that I wouldn’t have otherwise. Continue reading How I Spent My Bumbershoot (Plus a Photo Gallery)