Bach to the Future With Author Paul Elie

Bach to the Future With Author Paul Elie

Bach is everywhere these days. How did this 17th century German composer become such a ubiquitous cultural figure in our 21st century world? In his new book “Reinventing Bach”, author Paul Elie discusses the development of audio technology and its effect on the experience of playing and hearing Bach’s music. On Monday, Elie visited Town Hall to speak about these topics. Continue reading Bach to the Future With Author Paul Elie

Joshua Roman Plays Bach Suites for a Full House

Joshua Roman Plays Bach Suites for a Full House

Sunday’s performance was technically excellent, and there were some parts where he found the musical depths and portrayed them sublimely. Such was his entire performance of Suite No. 3 in C Major. Roman seemed in the groove, one with his cello. His tempos felt just right, his cello sang, the musicianship came through and the result was moving and wholly absorbing. Continue reading Joshua Roman Plays Bach Suites for a Full House