Op-Ed: In-City Bicycling is Not a Road Race (cc: SDOT)

Op-Ed: In-City Bicycling is Not a Road Race (cc: SDOT)

In 1992, 20 percent of cyclists downtown were women. By 2011, total cyclists had increased 200 percent, but only 22 percent of the 3,330 bicyclists spotted in a one-day count were women. In a city with as many outdoorsy women as Seattle boasts–trust me, REI membership is not 22 percent female–that’s not an accident. It’s a discriminatory by-product. Continue reading Op-Ed: In-City Bicycling is Not a Road Race (cc: SDOT)

Uff Da! Ballard Defies Trend Toward Cycling on Safer Streets

Uff Da! Ballard Defies Trend Toward Cycling on Safer Streets

They may well be popular in Ballard, too, but at a recent greenways open house, “several” of the 100 audience members were upset about the plan, reported MyBallard. Sample comment: “Neither SDOT, McGinn, nor the bicycle mafia could care less what the community thinks. They are hell bent on ruining the city for drivers, and will stop at nothing to do it.” Continue reading Uff Da! Ballard Defies Trend Toward Cycling on Safer Streets