Op-Ed: Seattle Times Editorial Board’s Pitiful Swing at McGinn’s Gigabit Broadband

Op-Ed: Seattle Times Editorial Board’s Pitiful Swing at McGinn’s Gigabit Broadband

Anyway, what is the problem, again? Rather than create a public utility to deliver fiber-optic internet to city residences, McGinn has instead chosen to pursue a public-private partnership that has customers across the country drooling over its $80-per-month rate for gigabit speed, upstream and down. Continue reading Op-Ed: Seattle Times Editorial Board’s Pitiful Swing at McGinn’s Gigabit Broadband

Seattle to Get Gigabit-Speed Internet, Through Fiber and Clouds, in 2014

Seattle to Get Gigabit-Speed Internet, Through Fiber and Clouds, in 2014

The company promises its fiber-optic internet will supply residents in the University of Washington West Campus District, First Hill, Capitol Hill, and Central Area by first quarter of 2014, continuing the roll-out to a total of 14 neighborhoods throughout the year. Price for one gigabit-per-second (Gbps), upstream and down? $80 per month. Continue reading Seattle to Get Gigabit-Speed Internet, Through Fiber and Clouds, in 2014

CenturyLink DSL Strengthens “Over Promise, Under Deliver” Brand Innovated by Qwest

CenturyLink DSL Strengthens “Over Promise, Under Deliver” Brand Innovated by Qwest

Crawling along at 1.5 Mbps, I yearned to breathe free, as did a lot of other Seattle DSL customers, equally annoyed by announcements of upgrades untethered to mundane things like timeline and location. Finally, the great day arrived. I got 3 Mbps. Actually, I got a promise of 80 percent of 3 Mbps, which is 2.4 Mbps. Continue reading CenturyLink DSL Strengthens “Over Promise, Under Deliver” Brand Innovated by Qwest