I Went to Bumbershoot and All I Ate Was Liquid Peas and Spherical Orange Juice

I Went to Bumbershoot and All I Ate Was Liquid Peas and Spherical Orange Juice

With looks a blend of Colin Firth and Fabio, and a hide-and-seek French accent, Maxime Bilet had the audience eating out of the palm of his hand–almost literally. He passed out goody bags at the beginning of the presentation, asking us please to wait to ingest the contents until he directed us to do so. Patience has never been so solidly rewarded. Continue reading I Went to Bumbershoot and All I Ate Was Liquid Peas and Spherical Orange Juice

The Twenty Best Live Music Shows I Saw at Bumbershoot 2012 [Photo Gallery]

The Twenty Best Live Music Shows I Saw at Bumbershoot 2012 [Photo Gallery]

M. Ward at Bumbershoot 2012.
Keane at Bumbershoot 2012.
The Young Evils, Bumbershoot 2012.
Unnatural Helpers at Bumbershoot 2012.
Super Geek League at Bumbershoot 2012.
Passion Pit at Bumbershoot 2012.
Eighteen Individual Eyes at Bumbershoot 2012.
Katie Kate at Bumbershoot 2012.
Prong at Bumbershoot 2012.
JC Brooks and the Uptown Sound at Bumbershoot 2012.
Ana Tijoux, Bumbershoot 2012.
Foxy Shazam at Bumbershoot 2012.
Mudhoney at Bumbershoot 2012.
THEESatisfaction at Bumbershoot 2012.
Don't Talk to the Cops at Bumbershoot 2012.
The Dirtbombs at Bumbershoot 2012.
King Khan and the Shrines at Bumbershoot 2012.
Lee Fields and the Expressions at Bumbershoot 2012.
TacocaT at Bumbershoot 2012.
Reignwolf at Bumbershoot 2012.

M. Ward sings a sad song. (photo by Tony Kay)

Tom Chaplin of Keane keeps a stiff upper lip. (photo by Tony Kay)

Mackenzie Mercer, youngest Young Evil, in action at Bumbershoot 2012. (photo by Tony Kay)

Unnatural Helpers: Best band with a singing drummer since Night Ranger. (photo by Tony Kay)

If you've seen one band with mutant eyeballs and butterfly women on stilts, you've seen 'em all: Super Geek League at Bumbershoot 2012. (photo by Tony Kay)

Passion Pit: Hot mess gets anthemic at Bumbershoot 2012. (photo by Tony Kay)

Irene Barber, four of Eighteen Individual Eyes' eyes. (photo by Tony Kay)

Katie Kate was greaty-great at Bumbershoot 2012. (photo by Tony Kay)

Lesser mortals ran like scared children from the onslaught: Tommy Victor of Prong at Bumbershoot 2012. (photo by Tony Kay)

JC Brooks stops the show at the KEXP Lounge. (photo by Tony Kay)

Ana Tijoux rocks it, Chilean style. (photo by Tony Kay)

Foxy Shazam rocks the Exhibition Hall. (photo by Tony Kay)

Mudhoney's Mark Arm, still whippet-thin and dangerous. (photo by Tony Kay)

Stasia of THEESatisfaction rocks her finest roller boogie ensemble at Bumbershoot 2012. (photo by Tony Kay).

Don't Talk to the Cops! Unless you're lost or something. (photo by Tony Kay)

Mick Collins of the Dirtbombs does some Bumber-damage. (photo by Tony Kay)

Ever the wallflower: King Khan of the Shrines holds court at Bumbershoot 2012. (photo by Tony Kay)

You will never, ever be this cool: Lee Fields and the Expressions work the Tunein Stage at Bumbershoot 2012. (photo by Tony Kay)

Bubbles and punk rock--they go together like, um, bubbles and punk rock: TacocaT at Bumbershoot 2012. (photo by Tony Kay)

Reignwolf blasts the roof off the Starbucks Stage at Bumbershoot 2012. (photo by Tony Kay).

M. Ward at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Keane at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
The Young Evils, Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Unnatural Helpers at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Super Geek League at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Passion Pit at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Eighteen Individual Eyes at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Katie Kate at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Prong at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
JC Brooks and the Uptown Sound at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Ana Tijoux, Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Foxy Shazam at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Mudhoney at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
THEESatisfaction at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Don't Talk to the Cops at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
The Dirtbombs at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
King Khan and the Shrines at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Lee Fields and the Expressions at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
TacocaT at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail
Reignwolf at Bumbershoot 2012. thumbnail

Now that the Bumbershoot tsunami has subsided, it’s time to sift through my photos of some 41 (holy cow!) bands and offer some sort of overview of what I saw and heard.

I enjoyed all of the acts that I caught this weekend on Bumbershoot’s smaller stages, and discovered more than a few pleasant surprises (more on that later this week). But of all of the live music performances I witnessed last weekend, these twenty were the most prominent keepers for me.

Continue reading “The Twenty Best Live Music Shows I Saw at Bumbershoot 2012 [Photo Gallery]”

A Small Sliver of Bumbershoot 2012 [Photo Gallery]

A Small Sliver of Bumbershoot 2012 [Photo Gallery]

This was a weird Bumbershoot for me. I wasn’t really all that excited about much of the music, but the two acts I wanted to see, I REALLY wanted to see. Those were Reignwolf and Foxy Shazam. Lucky for me, they both were scheduled for Bumber-Monday afternoon. Perfect.

We start with Reignwolf over on the Starbucks Stage. He exploded onto the stage with Amazen King as a special guest on the bucket drums. They powered through a face-melting set of old school rock-and-roll, complete with vanilla-smelling smoke billowing out of the amps. I think if there was anything wrong with the set, it would be that Jordan was way too far away from the crowd. He even moved his kick drum and mic to the very edge of the stage in an effort to get closer. Regardless, the crowd was 100% invested in his set. It was impressive to see one of the larger stages that packed with fans at 1 p.m. He also got the only encore call from a non-mainstage act I have ever seen in my many years attending Bumbershoot. So I hope you got a chance to see him on this relatively intimate stage when you had the chance, because I doubt he will be playing to any smaller of a crowd in the coming years.

Next up for me was Foxy Shazam.
Foxy Shazam - 20

Performing in the Expo Hall is never an easy task. The sound in there isn’t even close to good and the giant pillars down the length of the room really restrict the view. However, Foxy Shazam pretty much owned that space from the second they took stage. Packed with energy, they powered through most of their latest album “The Church Of Rock And Roll” while pondering on various topics like how they were dissed by Rolling Stone. I don’t think there was a single time during the set that I wasn’t either impressed, shocked, or laughing. Nothing compared to the keyboard player crowd surfing *with his full-sized keyboard* and continuing to play the song. I have never seen that before. Well played, Foxy Shazam.

Other than that, I spent the rest of the day wandering around the grounds and taking in the scene. I checked out the art, watched some of the Elvis karaoke, had a dozen mini Mighty-O Donuts, and explored the offerings in The Armory. Lots of photos from both Reignwolf and Foxy Shazam along with the rest of my Bumber-experience after the jump.

Continue reading “A Small Sliver of Bumbershoot 2012 [Photo Gallery]”