Want to Help the University of Washington Upgrade Burke-Gilman Trail?

Want to Help the University of Washington Upgrade Burke-Gilman Trail?

The University of Washington is requesting $12 million from the U.S. Department of the Transportation’s TIGER program to upgrade the 1.8 miles of the Burke-Gilman Trail that skirt its campus. Because fewer than four percent of TIGER applicants receive funding — from a pool of $473 million this year — the UW is asking trail users and supporters to publicly sign on in support of the project. Continue reading Want to Help the University of Washington Upgrade Burke-Gilman Trail?

Just Think How University Link Light Rail Will Link Things

Just Think How University Link Light Rail Will Link Things

But it was on the ride back that we really had an epiphany as to how things would change when University Link light rail goes into operation, fall-ish of 2016. Capitol Hill cyclists, in particular, understand what Portland cyclist Elly Blue was referring to when she wanted to know how Seattle bikers dealt with our “monstrous inclines.” No matter where you go, off the Hill, it’s waiting for you on your way back. At the end of 40 miles, it can be a little disheartening. Continue reading Just Think How University Link Light Rail Will Link Things

Burke-Gilman Trail Reopening Contrasts with Growing Greenway Interest

Burke-Gilman Trail Reopening Contrasts with Growing Greenway Interest

Despite the Burke-Gilman operating as a sort of I-5 for bike commuters, the hilly detour suggested seemed not to have cyclists in mind, the renovation took longer than expected–eight months–and the budget almost doubled in size to $4.9 million: “Construction hit some snags regarding soil condition, utility work and trees, and much of the work had to be redesigned,” Seattle Bike Blog summarizes. Continue reading Burke-Gilman Trail Reopening Contrasts with Growing Greenway Interest